Monday, May 1, 2017

Multimedia Utilization in Educational Technology

Multimedia Utilization in Educational Technology
Assistant Professor, RRMK Arya Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Pathankot

Assistant Professor, RRMK Arya Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Pathankot

Multimedia has become as a tool of educational technology that overcome the barriers of space and time. It provides simulation which makes process of knowledge more efficient. This is advantageous for teachers as well as students, because it empowers educational process with increased interaction. In this paper we present a comprehensive study of papers that elaborate the use of multimedia in Education.  It also study most commonly used issues and methods related to multimedia as a new education technology tool.
With term Multimedia tends to imply sophistication (and relatively more expense) in both production and presentation than simple text-and-images. It is a rotating globe in which the thrilling and involving method of info-edu-tainment is to be utilized.  Educational technology is the practice of facilitating to learning and improves performance by utilizing the appropriate technological processes and resources. It is simplest way through which problem based learning and case based learning are to be done by utilizing various tools. Educational technology is also called learning technology and term technology does not only include use of latest tools but also preferred learners for their learning potential. It also encompasses efficient and enhanced learning management system.

Multimedia Learning Environment
The use of technology by students to solve a problem by means of self-exploration, collaboration and active participation. Models, media and simulation are used as a study materials like animated graphics, video and audio integrated learning. The interactive nature of multimedia provides the room to enhance traditional "chalk-and-talk" method of teaching [4] with more flexibility to learners to adapt to individual learning strategy. It enables both the educators and learners to work together in an informal setting. The role of educators and learners are extended. Furthermore, it encourages and enhances peer learning as well as individual creativity and innovation.


By the means of drill and practice multimedia facilitates the skills of students and also it helps them in problem solving, understanding the concepts that are abstract. It also provides remote locations enhanced access for teachers as well as student. It facilitates individualized and cooperative learning in education system. Multimedia helps in managing and administrating the classroom activities and learning contents. Also it handles the environment of real life problem by simulation. All over the world various education institutions had been experimented the multimedia technology for their own designed modes.

 In two ways the multimedia has been approached in universities and educational institutions:
1. For teaching methodologies
2. For interactive information delivery

For teaching methodologies the multimedia has been used for content creation and authoring the contents. The content creation includes the imparting hand skills of software packages that are utilized by the teachers.
In interactive information delivery the multimedia content and technology has been utilized for effective teaching also it personalized the access of contents anytime- anywhere.

Evaluating the role of multimedia in educational technology
Proposed models
Developing  multimedia degree in various universities
Three levels of educational requirements :
System Level
Application Level
Authorization Level

In any university to evaluate the multimedia technology first study the design and practice used for courses that has presented the outlook of multimedia technology.  In these courses emphasize has been given on the kind of multimedia that are capable of simulation, information spaces and communication system. It enables a student to create simulated, interactive, information spaces that need in depth knowledge of multimedia computing. It provides a complete understanding of computer hardware, software and multimodal data processing technologies.

Assisting the educators to use multimedia
Knowing that the technological availability of
multimedia resources is possible, the pedagogical
Evaluation of multimedia is proposed to be done [6].
In this paper the effectiveness of multimedia technologies in class room environment in the light of their contribution in the teaching and learning improvement..

Role and extend of the  use of multimedia in future
FLiE(Flexible Local independent education) [7]
In this paper the new futuristic educational model FLiE are introduced which would allow flexible education.
To enable students to ask questionnaire electronically.
ActiveClass ( a network classroom technology)[8]
In this paper introduction of active class technology has been done. By using this heterogeneous students can participate in Lectures as desired locations.

Multimedia Educational Programs
Multi-Disciplinary Approach
The problem in multi discipline has been solved by the implementation and development of various multimedia educational programs. To solve that issues many methodologies that uses the multimedia contents and programs are to be utilized.
Here the critical Studies of multimedia Educational Program are to be done in this table:
Multimedia technology Used
HEADS UP(Health Education and Discovery Science While Unlocking
To develop students interest in multimedia use in the science and health sciences
1. Stories of health scientist are to be described on DVD.
2. Graphics and animations
This program eliminate the gap between the students of minority groups [10]
WIT(Williams Instructional Technology)
To develop  high quality multimedia based projects
1. Presentations are uses
2. Digital story telling methodology are utilized
This technology has been facilitate the creation of projects by the use of multimedia


In this paper, a study has been carried out to analyze the reverence of multimedia in various disciplines of current education  system. From the review of literature in reference with a variety of university approaches, it has been learnt that multimedia has enormous potential to impart flexible, multi-modal, life-long education to heterogeneous mass learners. The Multidisciplinary nature of multimedia makes it increasingly popular among people from diverse domains. The literature study clearly demonstrates its qualifications as a vast source of customized learning environments, to accommodate varied behavioral problems like confidence building and stress reduction. Multimedia used in right direction has also succeeded in psychomotor development and strengthening of visual processing of the intended users.


[1] R. C. Richey, “Reflections on the 2008 AECT Definitions of the Field,” TechTrends. vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 24-25, 2008.
[2] M. Prensky, “The Role of Technology in teaching and the classroom,”Educational Technology, Nov.-Dec. 2008.
[3] M. Neo and T. K. Neo, (2009). Engaging students inmultimedia-mediated Constructivist learning – Students‟ perceptions.Educational Technology & Society. [Online]. vol. 12, no. 2, pp.254–266. Available:
[4] M. Neo (2007), Learning with Multimedia: Engaging Students in Constructivist Learning. International Journal of Instructional Media.vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 149-158.
[5] N. R. Gonzalez, G. Cranitch, and J. Jo, “Academic directions of multimedia education,” Communications of the ACM. vol. 43, no. 1, January 2000.
[6] G. Krippel, A. J. McKee, and J. Moody (March 2010). Multimedia use in higher education: promises and pitfalls. Journal of InstructionalPedagogies [Online]. Vol. 2. pp. 1-8. Available:
[7] A. Radford. (2007). The future of Multimedia in Education. First Monday Peer-reviewed on the internet.

[8] L. Barkhuus, “Bring Your Own Laptop Unless You Want to Follow the Lecture: Alternative Communication in the Classroom,” in Proc. of2005 international ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting group work, November 6–9, 2005.
[9] C. Spradling, J. Strauch, and C. Warner, “An Interdisciplinary Major Emphasizing Multimedia,” ACM SIGCSE Bulletin - SIGCSE 08, vol.40, no. 1, March 2008.
[10] N. G. Murray, K. A. Opuni, B. Reininger, N. Sessions, M. M. Mowry, and M. Hobbs. A Multimedia Educational Program That IncreasesScience Achievement among Inner-City Non-Asian Minority Middle-School Students. Academic Medicine. vol. 84, no. 6. pp. 803-811, June 2009.
[11] T. Murphy. “Williams Instructional Technology: Summer Students Working on Faculty Projects,” in Proc. of 35th Annual ACM SIGUCCS fall Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 7–10, 2007.
[12] E. I. Konstantinidis, A. Luneski, and M. M. Nikolaidou. “Using Affective Avatars and Rich Multimedia Content for Education ofChildren with Autism,” presented at Petra‟09, Corfu, Greece. June 9–13, 2009.
[13] S. H. Park, S. Y. Kim, J. H. J. Choo, W. J. Lee, and J. S. Kang, “UsingNew Media to Create Integrating Art Therapy: Animation Therapy,” inProc. of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, no. 14, 2009.
[14] A. Buaud, H. Svensson, D. Archambault, D. Burger, K. Miesenberger,J. Klaus, and W. Zagler, “Multimedia Games for Visually Impaired
Children,” ICCHP 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2398, pp.173–180, 2002.

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